This issue of the Historic Deerfield Magazine celebrates the 350 th anniversary of Deerfield and contains 84 pages. This magazine features articles dealing with the depth and breadth of Deerfield’s history. Article titles are as follows: Pocumtuck People and History by Margaret M. Bruchac Living with the Past: History and Memory in Deerfield by Barbara Mathews The Churches of South Deerfield by Peter A. Thomas Mt. Sugarloaf: Rocks of Ages by Richard D. Little 350 Years of Deerfield Public Elementary Schooling by Timothy Carter Neumann Going to the Sources by Daniel S. Sousa A Very Brief Population History of Deerfield by Alan C. Swedlund with Nicole Falk Conflicted: Memory and Violence in Deerfield by Philip Zea A Soldier’s Tale by John Nove The Arts and Crafts Movement in Deerfield by Suzanne L. Flynt You Can Get There from Here by David Bosse Fires, Floods and Strikes: Industry in Deerfield by Jeremy Rogers Seeking New Homes by Peter A. Thomas A Personal Insight of the Immigrant Experience by Diane Rotkiewicz Martin Other articles include: What’s in a Name, Deerfield Timeline, Town Boundaries, Hoyt Map, Deerfield at 300---A Look Back, Growing Deerfield, and Further Reading (B)